I'm unable to post in the main tutorial section, so could a MOD please move this post into the main tutorial section. Thanks
Important: PSP Firmware Update 5.50 blocks the "Tiff" bug that HEN uses to start.
If you have Firmware 5.50 on your PSP then you will not be able to use the 'HEN' at all.
Before you use the '5.03 HEN', I highly recommend you read this post below so you don't brick your PSP:
Introduction and Background Information:
Recently a 'bug' was found in the PSP's Libtiff Library, This 'bug' affects PSP firmwares: 5.00, 5.01, 5.02, 5.03 and 5.05
(Firmware 5.05 was only released on a few PSP Games in Japan), This 'bug' can be 'exploited' to run unsigned code in user mode.
A 'kernel mode' exploit has also been found, which is used in combination with the 'user mode' exploit to disable the 'signature check'
when starting an EBOOT file. which means you will be able to start almost any homebrew program on your PSP.
These two exploits have been combined and made into a Homebrew Enabler (aka 'HEN')
The 'HEN' program will be loaded using the PSP's Photo menu and is only temporary,
If you fully turn off your PSP, the 'HEN' will be unloaded and you will need to run 'HEN' again.
What can I do with this Homebrew Enabler:
Here is an incomplete list of things you can do with this 'Homebrew Enabler' (HEN)
What you can do:
- Run an unsigned homebrew eboot file (e.g emulators) on ALL PSP-2000 and PSP-3000.
- Custom Firmware can be permanently installed onto some models of PSP without needing a Pandora Battery.
- Custom Firmware can be loaded temporarily onto all PSP-2000s (including Ta-088v3 PSP) using 'CFW Loader'
What do I need to use this Homebrew Enabler:
You will need:
- A PSP with system software 5.03 and lower (if lower, you need to manually update to firmware 5.03)
- A Memory Stick Pro Duo with 32mb or more of free space.
- A USB Cable / Card Reader to copy a few files onto your PSP memory stick.
Checking the firmware version of your PSP:
If you don't know what firmware version your PSP has installed, then do this:
1. Turn on your PSP and wait until that Main Menu loads (This is known as the XMB)
2. In the XMB go all the way to the left to select the 'Settings' menu.
3. Scroll down to 'System Settings' and press 'X' (Press 'O' on Japanese PSPs)
4. Scroll down to 'System Information' and press 'X' (Press 'O' on Japanese PSPs)
5. Your firmware version is what is written next to "System Software:"
6. Press the 'O' button to exit the system information menu. (Press 'X' on Japanese PSPs)
If you have 'Firmware 5.50' or higher then you cannot use the 'HEN' to hack your PSP because the new firmware update has blocked it.
(If you have a PSP-1000 OR a older model PSP-2000 (that is not a Ta088v3 PSP, you can use a 'Pandora Battery' to install custom firmware)
If you have 'Firmware 5.03' then 'HEN' will work on your PSP and you can continue to the 'Downloading and Installing HEN' section below.
If you have 'Firmware 5.02' or lower you will need to manually update your PSP, see the next section 'Updating your PSPs Firmware'.
Updating your PSPs Firmware:
If you don't have firmware 5.03 installed on your PSP you will need to update it manually
(Don't use the network update, you will get the latest firmware that blocks the '5.03 HEN')
Required Files:
Official Sony Firmware 5.03 Update: (25.79mb)
Mirror #1: (Mediafire): HERE
Mirror #2: (iFile.it): HERE
Mirror #3: (zShare): HERE
Mirror #4: (SendSpace): HERE
Mirror #5: (Megaupload): HERE
Upgrading Instructions:
1. Download the firmware upgrade to your hard drive, right click the downloaded file and choose "extract to here"
(You will need Winrar / winzip installed on your computer to extract the firmware update file from the ZIP)
2. Copy the 'UPDATE' folder that you got when you extracted the ZIP file.
3. Plug in your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.
4. Select USB Connection from the 'settings' menu in the XMB (If the connection isn't made automatically)
5. Open the Drive letter your computer assigns to your PSP (e.g E:\)
6. Open the "PSP" folder, then open the "GAME" folder and paste the 'UPDATE' folder into the 'GAME' folder.
7. Close the USB Connection using your PSP (press 'O') and disconnect the USB Cable from your PSP and computer.
8. Make sure your PSP has over 77% battery power (and optionally plug in the AC Adaptor to your PSP)
9. Go to the memory stick under "Game" on your PSP and you should see a 'PSP Firmware update' icon.
10. Highlight the firmware update and press 'start' to start the update.
11. Now follow the on-screen instructions, it is fairly simple to install.
12. Once the update has finished your PSP will turn off or will load the XMB menu.
13. Go to the 'Settings' > 'System Settings' > 'System Information' menu to check your firmware.
Now you have successfully upgraded your PSP firmware to firmware 5.03.
Downloading and Installing HEN:
Once you have the '5.03 HEN' installed and workinf on your PSP, never ever update your PSP firmware.
Your PSP needs firmware 5.03 for the 'HEN' to load, updaing will block the method 'HEN' uses to load.
Updating your PSP Firmware to 5.05 or higher will block the 'HEN' from running.
Required Files:
Official HEN-R2 for Firmware 5.03 + PSPIdent v0.4 + PSP Slim Modded TIFF: (Package Version 3) (280kb)
Mirror #1: (Mediafire): HERE
Mirror #2: (iFile.it): HERE
Mirror #3: (zShare): HERE
Mirror #4: (SendSpace): HERE
Mirror #5: (Megaupload): HERE
Update v2: Added version 0.4 of PSPIdent, it should be able to detect all PSP models now...
Update v3: Added a modded PSP Slim tiff, this file is reported to have a better chance of starting the HEN
HEN Install Instructions:
1. Download the 'Homebrew Enabler' ZIP file to your hard drive, right click the downloaded file and choose "extract to HEN503R2v3\"
(You will need Winrar / winzip installed on your computer to extract the 'Homebrew Enabler' files from the ZIP file)
2. Plug in your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.
3. Select USB Connection from the 'settings' menu in the XMB (If the connection isn't made automatically)
4. Open the "HEN503R2v3" on your computer.
If you have a PSP-1000 (PSP-Phat), then copy the 'TiffPHAT' folder and go to step 5.
If you have a PSP-2000/3000 (PSP-Slim or PSP-Bright) copy the 'TiffSLIM-Mod' folder and go to step 5.
Note: The 'TIFFSLIM-mod' folder contains a modified TIFF file which is reported to be more compatible with Slim PSPs,
If you can't get the 'HEN' loaded after 25 tries, then try using the normal 'TiffSLIM' folder instead...
5. Open the Drive letter your computer assigns to your PSP (e.g E:\) (recommended to open it in a new window)
6. Open the 'PSP' folder then the 'PHOTO' folder on your memory stick and paste the folder you copied in step 4 to your PSP.
(If you don't have a 'PHOTO' folder in the 'PSP' folder, then make a new folder on your memory stick and name it 'PHOTO')
7. Go back to the 'HEN503R2v3' folder on your computer and copy the 'h.bin' file
8. Paste the 'h.bin' file to your memory stick where the PSP folder is, but don't put it in a folder.
(e.g If 'E' is the drive letter your computer gives your PSP memory stick, Paste in 'E:\')
9. (Optional) To install 'PSPIdent' then copy the 'PSPIdent' folder into the 'PSP' \ 'GAME' folder.
'PSPIdent' is a program that will tell you the motherboard model is inside your PSP.
When its loaded, it will save a picture of the information to your memory stick (where the h.bin file is)
The white lines going up the screen when you run the program is normal.
You can delete 'PSPIdent' by deleting the folder from the 'PSP > Game' folder on your memory stick.
HEN Usage Instructions:
1. Fully turn off your PSP by holding the power button up for 7 seconds.
2. Turn on your PSP and wait for the XMB main menu to load.
3. Go directly to the Photo Menu and press 'X'
4. Your PSP will either start the 'HEN' or it may freeze and turn off.
The 'TIFF' exploit is VERY unstable, just keep trying and it will load, it may take a few tries to get it loaded.
It's not possible to have a 100% success rate due to the way the TIFF exploit works. It patches a system address that changes randomly, so the chances of it patching the correct address is not 100%. Basically, it is all luck... |
- Set the Theme to Original in the 'Settings' > 'Theme Settings' > 'Theme'
- Turn off 'UMD Autostart' in 'Settings' > 'System Settings' > 'UMD Autostart' > 'Off'
- Insert a UMD Game Disc into your PSP and let the UMD 'Game Icon' load before going to the photo menu.
(My Slim PSP wouldn't load the HEN unless a UMD Game Disc was inserted into the PSP) - Try using the 'Restore Default Settings' in 'Settings'> 'System Settings'
-- (Note: you will lose all settings on your PSP, nickname / wireless connections etc) - Delete the 'TiffSLIM-Mod' folder from your memory stick and try using the "TiffSLIM' folder instead
If your PSP successfully starts the HEN, the screen should turn white or green, then the PSP will restart itself.
5. Check the 'Settings > 'System Settings' > 'System Information' you should see '5.03 ChickHEN' in system software.
6. Now you can start your homebrew programs from the 'Game > Memory Stick' menu on your PSP.
- If you turn off your PSP you will need to re-activate the "HEN" starting from step 1.
- Its best to put your PSP into sleep mode instead of fully turning it off, as HEN is unstable and hard to load.
- You MUST keep the exploit files installed on your memory stick to run the 'HEN'.
Flashing Custom Firmware onto your PSP:
Please check that your PSP Motherboard is compatible with custom firmware before doing this!
I have a list of supported and unsupported models below, You will need to install and use the program 'PSPIdent' to find your PSP motherboard model.
Flashing a custom firmware onto an unsupported PSP will result in your PSP being bricked.
Bricked means the PSP will freeze on a black screen when you turn it on,
If you brick your PSP, you will need to send it back to Sony for repair.
Sony will then most likely install the latest firmware on your PSP which will block the 'HEN'.
'Recovery Flasher 1.60' has motherboard checks and will not let you install custom firmware onto a non-compatible PSP.
All PSP-3000's models and PSP-2000 models with the 'TA088v3' motherbaord are not compatible with custom firmware.
If you have a TA088v3 PSP-2000 you can use the 'CFW Loader' program to run custom firmware.
At the moment there is no 'CFW Loader' for the PSP-3000 models yet, but one will be made when more info about the PSP-3000 is found.
- PSP-1000 (PSP Fat):
- TA-079v1 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00140000, Baryon: 0x00030600, Pommel: 0x00000103)
- TA-079v2 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00200000, Baryon: 0x00030600, Pommel: 0x00000103)
- TA-079v3 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00200000, Baryon: 0x00040600, Pommel: 0x00000103)
- TA-081 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00300000, Baryon: 0x00040600, Pommel: 0x00000103/0x00000104)
- TA-082 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00400000, Baryon: 0x00114000, Pommel: 0x00000112)
- TA-086 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00400000, Baryon: 0x00121000, Pommel: 0x00000112)
- PSP-2000 (PSP Slim):
- TA-085v1 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00500000, Baryon: 0x0022B200, Pommel: 0x00000123)
- TA-085v2 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00500000, Baryon: 0x00234000, Pommel: 0x00000123)
- TA-088v1 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00500000, Baryon: 0x00243000, Pommel: 0x00000123)
- TA-088v2 - Supported (Tachyon: 0x00500000, Baryon: 0x00243000, Pommel: 0x00000123)
- TA-088v3 - Not Supported (Tachyon: 0x00600000, Baryon: 0x00243000, Pommel: 0x00000123)
- TA-090v1 - Unconfirmed (Tachyon: 0x00500000, Baryon: 0x00263100, Pommel: 0x00000132)
- PSP-3000 (PSP Bright):
- TA-090v2 - Not Supported (Tachyon: 0x00600000, Baryon: 0x00263100, Pommel: 0x00000132)
You can use a program called 'PSPIdent' to find the motherboard model in your PSP,
The "PSPIdent" program is included in the 'HEN' download, copy it into the 'PSP \ GAME' folder and run it.
When the program loads, it will save a screenshot onto your memory stick, you can view it on computer
If PSPIdent cannot identify your PSP, compare the chip numbers you get to the ones on the list above to find your PSP version.
Tachyon - Version number of the chip which contains the CPU, 'Media Engine' and GPU.
Baryon - Version number of the PSP's System Control chip.
Pommel - Version number of the PSP's GPIO/watchdog which handles system events and shuts down the PSP if it crashes.
Required Files:
Recovery Flasher v1.60 (Install Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-6) (~28.2mb)
Download 1 (Mediafire): HERE
Download 2 (iFile.it): HERE
Download 3 (zShare): HERE
Download 4 (Megaupload): HERE
Installing Recovery Flasher:
1. Download and Extract the 'Recovery Flasher' Program from the link above.
2. Make a USB Connection (or insert your PSP memory stick into a card reader)
3. Copy and paste the 'RECOVERY' folder into the PSP \ GAME folder on your memory stick.
(You can ignore the "files-for.1.50-firmware" folder as it is not needed on '5.03 HEN')
4. Close the USB Connection and remove the USB Cable.
Using Recovery Flasher to Install Custom Firmware:
1. Go to the 'Game > Memory Stick' section on your PSP and start the 'Recovery Flasher' program.
2. You will need to 'Agree' to the warning screen (Press Down and then 'X')
3. On the main menu confirm that target firmware is set to 5.00.
(If the target firmware isn't 5.00, highlight "target firmware" and press 'X' until it changes to 5.00)
4. Go down to 'Install M33 CFW' and press 'X' (You will need at least 50% battery power)
(note: you can skip the battery check by holding L+R at the same time)
5. You will need to reset your settings (recommended), select "reset" and then press 'X'
6. The Custom Firmware install process will begin. This will take a few minutes, Wait until it finishes.
7. Once its done, press the 'X' button and your PSP will shutdown. It might take about a minute for the PSP to turn off.
The Power light flashing is normal, just leave your PSP and it will turn itself off automatically, don't turn it off yourself.
8. Turn on your PSP and reconfigure the settings like you did when you first got your PSP.
You should now have Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-6 installed on your PSP.
I recommend you configure the custom firmware recovery menu.
Once you have the custom firmware installed on your PSP you can delete the Hen files from your memory stick.
The files you need to delete are the 'h.bin' file and the 'TIFFPHAT' / 'TIFFSLIM' folder in PSP \ PHOTO.
Playing PSX EBOOTs and PSP ISO/CSOs on your PSP using '5.03 HEN' and 'CFWEnabler':
This doesn't work on the PSP-3000 (aka PSP Brite) at the moment.
Required Files:
CFWEnabler v2.10 for 5.03 HEN (for PSP-2000 Series Only):
Mirror #1: (Mediafire): HERE
Mirror #2: (iFile.it): HERE
Mirror #3: (zShare): HERE
Mirror #4: (Megaupload): HERE
Notes: This package above has the 'POPS' modules included so you can play PSX EBOOT Games.
'CFWEnabler v2.10' Installation and Setup Instructions:
(I'll take a few pictures of the install process and upload them soon)
1. Download the 'CFWEnabler' file above and extract it to your computer.
2. Remove any old versions of the 'CFWEnabler' from the PSP \ GAME folder on your memory stick.
3. Copy the new version of 'CFWEnabler' folder into the PSP \ GAME folder on your memory stick.
(note: Don't change the 'CFWEnabler' foldername, if you do then it won't load properly)
4. Start the '5.03 HEN' using the Photo menu and wait until the PSP has loaded the HEN.
5. Go to the Game > Memory stick menu and start the 'CFWLoader 2.10' homebrew program.
6. The very first time you run the 'CFWEnabler', you will need to install a few files into the FLASH of your PSP.
Select the "Flash and Start' option on the main menu and confirm you want to install the files by selecting 'YES'
This is completely safe as it only adds new files to the flash, it doesn't overwrite anything.
7. Once you have the custom firmware files installed, choose 'No' when asked to start the custom firmware.
Restart the 'CFWEnabler' program from the game > memory stick menu.
8. If you want to be able to play PSX EBOOT games, select the 'Enable POPs support' option on the main menu.
When asked to flash the POP modules, choose 'YES' and press 'Circle' to exit CFWLoader.
Restart the 'CFWEnabler' program from the game > memory stick menu.
You have finished installing and setting up 'CFWEnabler v2.10'
'CFWEnabler' Usage Instructions:
1. Start the '5.03 HEN' using the Photo menu and wait until the PSP has loaded the HEN.
2. Go to the Game > Memory stick menu and start the 'CFWLoader 2.10' homebrew program.
3. Select "Start" on the main menu to load the custom firmware, this takes about 5 seconds...
4. Your PSP should now have custom firmware loaded and enabled.
you are now able to install and play your PSX EBOOT games
and PSP ISO and CSO files on the Game > Memory Stick menu.
Some tips about using CFWEnabler:
- PSP ISO and CSO files need to get copied into a folder named 'ISO' on your memory stick. (e.g G:\ISO\)
- PSX EBOOT games go into their own folder in the PSP \ GAME folder (e.g PSP \ GAME \ CrashBandicoot \ EBOOT.PBP)
- If you are getting a 'Game Cannot be started' error when you start PSP ISO / CSO files,
-- Press 'Select' to open the VSHMenu and change the 'UMD ISO Mode' to 'NP9660' or 'M33 driver'. - Some PSP games will need to use a certain 'UMD ISO mode' to load.
- If the PSP ISO / CSO games freeze on a black screen when starting try using a different UMD mode.
'CFW Loader' ChangeLog: (Translated from Spanish)
2.10 Changes:
- Fixed a problem when you change settings for the plugins.
- Fixed internal problems.
- Fixed a problem that caused a crash when accessing plugins and have no plugin.
- Improved detection of release.
2.02 Changes:
- Fixed a bug in the installation of the Pops (The PRX MD5 is different on each console, so the test worked, but then not)
2.01 Changes:
- Fixed a bug not detect either a previous installation (caused that could not be installed above the new version)
2.00 Changes:
- System pops native activation.
- System configuration Custom Firmware.
- Verification MD5 of files that are installed in flash, if you have not installed either, re-install.
- Nice interface.
- Protection from ChickHen load the Custom Firmware.
(It is necessary that this ChickHen in a folder called "ChickHEN inside Photo or Pictures.)
- Changed version of the system (now shows 5.03 M33)
1.00 Changes
- Original Release
Credits to The__Android