How to use cxmb on 5.03 GEN-A
1. First download the files and extract to desktop
2. Open the cxmb folder and then open full folder
3. Drag all the folders in that folder (if it ask you to overwrite vsh.txt don't and just open vsh.txt in seplugins and add this line ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1)
4. Put ctf convert.exe in theme folder and run(ctf converter is a program that converts 5.00m33 ctf files to 5.02 gen ctf file which are the only ctf files compatible with 5.03 gen-a)
5. Restart psp and boot back into HEN then into GEN-A and test
.there is no risk of brick from what i heard
.only 5.00m33 and 5.02 gen ctf files will work
.5.00m33 ctf files must be converted to work
Updated V2 June 8
- You can disable the theme:
1. Go to Settings->Theme settings->Theme
2. Apply the original(Sony) theme
3. Delete the Custom Theme¨
4. It reboot to the Sony theme
- Fixed the wallpaper bug
- Supported all FWs of CXMB 3.3 by Poison and 5.02
- In the zip is also a CTF_converter.exe to convert 5.00 CTF themes for this unofficial cxmb
Download: http://2ae2fd42.seriousfiles.com
Mirror1: http://4a93a823.seriousfiles.com
Mirror2: http://430fba50.seriousfiles.com